Friday, September 14, 2012


This was a very weird Japanese movie.
That's a bold statement.
But, this is something that I've never seen before.
It was unique and sometimes funny but very weird.
I mean, we have people speaking in Spanish, Japanese,
and sometimes English.
Some scenes take place in Mexico and majority
takes place in a weird white room.
My favorite parts are the ones that take place
in that white room.
But, my ultimate favorite part is when it goes
into "video game" mode every once in a while
to explain the plans. I love the snapping of the fingers
and the English video game voice.
The trippy parts involve penises of little angels
that control the "white room."
The sounds they make are beyond crazy and
they will be stuck in my head for a long time.
The only down part is the ending.
I didn't like the last 15 minutes of the movie.
It was just too weird and left me with lots of questions.
Sometimes, that's good but it didn't feel good this time.

Saw this movie at my friend's Mike's place.
This is a rare movie to find.
If you find it, it is worth a peek for some very original scenes.