Thursday, September 6, 2012


This was a little disappointing.
The story had a lot of potential for a great ending,
but, the ending was weak and unoriginal.
It felt like a 2001: Space Odyssey ripoff.
This Sci-Fi came out in Fantastic Fest last year.
I remembered I saw a bunch of Astronauts outside
the Alamo promoting the movie.
I thought the first hour of the movie was decent.
We got a guy up in space going crazy after losing contact
with Earth. Everything felt realistic up there including
the space ship. As soon as he decides to leave the ship,
the movie starts getting more interesting.
But, then they mess it up with that nonsense 2001 ripoff ending.
Left me incomplete.

It was okay while it lasted.
People interested in these kinds of movies,
see Kubrick's 2001 and Moon (with Sam Rockwell) instead.