Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Lords Of Salem

The Lords of Salem IMDb
I wanted to like this movie.  I really did.  Felt Rob Zombie needed to make up for his last few releases.  I'm here to report that he once again disappointed me.  The problem I had here was the story.  Zombie is good in bringing really cool and disturbing images.  In that department, he still delivers.  The story felt week and it falls under one of the horror cliches: if a door mysteriously opens in the middle of the night and you see a red light coming out from it, please don't go inside.  Well, our main character did just that and then becomes hypnotized with evil witchcraft.  The movie has its evil moments, which I don't mind, but they were weak at times.  This is Rob Zombie's most artsy film he's made thus far.  Wanted more out of it.  Wouldn't recommend it.