Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fantastic Fest: Witching & Bitching (2013)

Screening #2:

Witching and Bitching IMDb
This movie from Spain was disappointing in the second half in the same vein "This is the End" disappointed me.  It is directed by Alex De Iglesia (The Last Circus).  The first half was very awesome.  You get a bunch of thieves dressed up in characters robbing a jewelry story.  That first half has a lot of great humor.  Here I was in my seat enjoying the hell out of it.  Even some of the witches stuff too.  It just got way out there with the whole witch stuff (much more than what I wanted).  All of a sudden I was wanting all this end already.  The same thing happened to me with "This is the End."  Love the characters and everything in the first half.  I didn't like when it went out there with big demons and the world being hell.  So, I wouldn't recommend this.  Hoping to see one more midnight screening at Fantastic Fest this weekend (most likely Sunday night).  After that, it is non stop movies from Monday morning all the way through Thursday night (with a few hours of sleep each night). Fantastic!!!