Friday, September 6, 2013

A Company Man

A Company Man IMDb
Badass Korean action thriller.  Love the beginning scene.  This is a movie I heard nothing about.  I just picked it up at Vulcan Video just for kicks.  Good little surprise.  Not saying it's a true masterpiece, but, a movie about a company of contract killers?  Hell to the yes.  Lots of blood gets shed here.  Favorite hit was the guy in the parking garage.  He sees our main character and gets paranoid.  He sees this other guy carrying a hamper.  He gets more paranoid.  He reaches the elevator and smiles to a cute Korean girl.  Boom! She smiles back pulling the trigger and he falls to the hamper who happens to be just right there.  Lots of other cool moments.  This is worth buying, my friends.  Nice call for an action night.  Simple story!