Monday, September 9, 2013

Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp IMDb
First time seeing this Disney classic.  Of course it's my first time, I'm blogging it, dammit!  It was cute.  I liked certain moments like the evil cats scene and of course the classic romantic scene of the two dogs eating spaghetti.  My girlfriend made spaghetti and meatballs tonight just for this movie.  My son was with us.  He refused to eat the meatballs today, but, after watching this scene, I encouraged him to try it.  He loved it.  The movie was short and simple.  One house dog falls for a street dog.  I love one certain moment in the movie: the moment where Tramp shows Lady the city from afar.  They see a suburban neighborhood, the tramp tells Lady that there's dogs there but they're stuck there in their homes.  There's a whole world out there.  Then you see lots of wild stuff out there beyond the suburban neighborhood.  Thought that was wonderful.  Glad that my son lives in Austin and we are able to expose him to what's out there plus more.  Since, I didn't grow up with this movie, I thought it was overall okay.  We bought it only because my girlfriend grew up with this movie.