Saturday, September 20, 2014

Fantastic Fest: In Order of Disappearance (2014)

Fantastic Fest 2014
Screening #8

Fuck yes!  I'll say it again, Fuck yes!  Nothing better than a revenge film with gangsters in it and also being a dark comedy.  This Norwegian film reminded me of a lighter version of Fargo.  Good characters.  You know you're in for a treat when both the protagonist and the antagonist are awesome characters.  Let's not forget the "Serbs" led by the one guy who played Hitler in the movie, "Downfall."  Good stuff.  Love that they put title cards of names everytime a person dies.  This movie also has a great shootout towards the end.  Tarantino style!  This was my number one anticipated film at Fantastic Fest when I did my research and it delivered.
So far this is my favorite film at the festival.  Let's see what other crazy shit I get myself into.