Friday, January 30, 2015

Child of God

 Woke up this morning to see another James Franco movie on Netflix.  This one is actually directed by him and he also comes out in a minor serious role towards the end.  I went in with low expectations because of what I heard.  This was shown as a secret screening at Fantastic Fest in 2013.  People were disappointed with it.  It is based on a Cormac McCarthy novel (author of No Country for Old Men).  This movie reminded me a lot of the Coen Brothers.  Could have fooled me.  Anyways, I didn't like it.  So, I agree with those that were disappointed.  It sucked.  It's a crazy drama about this one guy who lives in the woods by himself.  He does a lot of crazy shit including necrophilia.  That part reminded me of Lars and the Real Girl mixed with Deadgirl.  Anyways, it gets annoying and tiring in the third act.  I just felt like I wasted my morning on this.  I should have had pancakes.  Yeah, pancakes! Pancakes!  Cabin Fever rules.  Stay away from this one.
I haven't read the novel it's based from but I didn't really care about this redneck guy.  Downer in a bad way.