Thursday, January 29, 2015

American Sniper

Another Oscar nominated movie down, two more to go.  It is obvious why this one was nominated.  Hollywood love their war hero movies.  Saw it this afternoon at the Alamo Village.  It was pretty good.  I wish they would have extended the ending a little more but pretty good and emotional.  Directed by Mr. Clint Eastwood himself.  I haven't really loved any of his directed films since Mystic River.  Bradley Cooper plays famous U.S sniper, Chris Kyle.  A lot of crazy war scenes.  I was into it, especially the intense moments.  I wish they would have focused more on the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder scenes.  This movie is about praising a heroic sniper.  For that, it was pretty good.  I love the sniper versus sniper moments.  On a side note: this movie references, The Punisher, one of my favorite Marvel characters.  So it made me want to read some Punisher comics.
This would make an awesome double feature with "Lone Survivor." 
Both are very entertaining.  
As far as Bradley Cooper for Best Actor, I liked his performance in Silver Linings Playbook better.
My heart for Best Picture still goes out to Boyhood, Birdman, and maybe even Whiplash.