Thursday, January 1, 2015

***2015 Movie Specials***

It's a new year and as much as I love movies, I decided this year to give myself more flexibility for other personal things and projects.   I'll still watch my fair share of films.  The changes are in the movie specials.  I usually have four movie specials every year that are scheduled.  This year, in order to have a more flexible schedule, I'm going to cut it in half.  But, to make up for that, I'm going to challenge myself and try to watch at least one hundred "2015" movies (I usually average about 70 each year).  So technically I'm not cutting much of my movie time but I'm cutting the scheduling pressure of certain movie nights in order to have freedom to do other things. I am a Freebird!

Here are the two movies specials for this year:

Time Travel Tuesday
The first Tuesday of each month this year, I will watch a time travel movie I've never seen before.  Why Time Travel?  Well, it's a sci-fi genre that interests me.  Don't we all at some point wished to have had a time machine to change certain things?  I've seen lots of great Time Travel movies but I know there are still some out there I need to explore.

Hitchcock Thursday
The third Thursday of each month this year, I will watch an Alfred Hitchcock film I've never seen before.  He was the master of suspense and I love suspense.  He made dozens and dozens of films.  I've seen most of the essentials but this will give me a chance to catch up with more from the director.

There you have it.

Let the year begin.

Happy New Years!