Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The Jeffrey Dahmer Files

The Jeffrey Dahmer Files IMDb
Lately, a lot of documentaries have been doing a lot of dramatizations.  Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't.  This one was okay using that.  This documentary covers the day and the days after Jeffrey Dahmer's arrest.  It is short and simple.  It doesn't mention a lot of details like cannibalism and so forth.  Some of the interviews here were funny.  The main cop who got the confession was definitely a character.  I wouldn't recommend this doc to anyone who is unfamiliar with serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.  This is not an in depth look at Dahmer and his background and etc.  I remember back in the late 90's, I saw a made for tv movie about Dahmer.  That was pretty cool.  It showed how he lured men and how he killed them.  This doc does an outline of certain things.  I was wanting more out of the documentary.  That's it.