Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Magical Mystery Tour

Magical Mystery Tour IMDb
I'm doing a personal research and learning more about "The Beatles" these past few weeks.  It's only fair to see all their films as well.  This movie wasn't what I expected but it was okay.  It's a simple story:  A bus full of people including The Beatles, are traveling around the sites.  Nothing else.  Every once in a while we have a Beatles song sequence.  There's six of them here all from their Magical Mystery Tour EP.  My favorite song from there is "The Fool On The Hill."  My favorite movie sequence is in the "I Am The Walrus" part.  This movie is only 1 hour long.  I checked IMDb to make sure this is still considered a Feature.  It is.  What other bullshit can I say?  This was alright.  Not really into their movies.  They only made four.  Got one more I need to see (Let it Be). I'll check that one out later this week.