Sunday, July 14, 2013

Music and Lyrics

Music and Lyrics
This was a cute romantic comedy that I never had the chance to watch until tonight for my movie date night.  A co-worker of mine let me borrowed it after talking about boy bands and the movie, "This Is The End."  I like Drew Barrymore but I'm not a fan of Hugh Grant.  Here, they both did great together.  Had no idea what the story was about.  I like the boy band parody part of it.  See, I'm not a boy band or pop group fan at all.  Never have been and probably never be.  But, I do like when movies make fun of them, like this one.  Here we basically have a simple story about a former pop star who tries to get any project to pay the bills.  He is given the job to write a song for a popular pop artist.  Along the way, he meets this one girl who happens to be a natural born lyricist.  Boom! Match made in heaven.  Don't need to tell you what happens.  You already know.  A romantic happy comedy.  I liked it.  There was just a couple of scenes that I didn't like in the story: Drew Barrymore's character was speechless when she encountered her ex lover after a year of writing what to say.  In another scene, she is so strong and talkative and wants to express her opinion about a song to the pop artist.  I didn't buy it.  No biggie, though.
I might not watch it again or alone for that matter, but, I'm glad I was able to see it for my movie date night.  This movie was accompanied by a dish made by my girlfriend, Yari.  A dish of sauteed shrimp, onions, poblano, tomatoes over rice and with Coppola White Wine.