Thursday, July 11, 2013

Vampire Thursday: Blacula

Blacula IMDb
Surprisingly awesome blaxploitation vampire movie we got here.  Decided to do Vampire Thursday this morning in order to watch Pacific Rim tonight.  High on my coffee fix, I ended up liking this movie.  It was cheesy and cool at the same time.  I love that there was a detective sub story.  It reminded me of an idea of a story I began writing a few years back (maybe I should continue and finish that story).  Blacula is about the black Dracula.  Actually, it was this innocent black guy who gets turned by the real Dracula back in the day.  He got locked up in a coffin to suffer for centuries.  Centuries went by and now we are in the soul 70's and somehow his coffin gets unlocked and now starts the bloody rampage.  I kind of feel sorry for him, though.  It wasn't his fault.  This is a tragic story.  Love the grindhouse/blaxploitation feel with dialogue and all.  Might have to add this one to my To Buy List.