Monday, July 15, 2013


Help! IMDb
I've been in a Beatles craze lately.  Basically, went to collect every single song from The Beatles's core collection.  I been listening to one album a day.  I would listen to that album over and over again.  Today, I'm in the 7th album.  Anyways, this film here takes place during their 5th album also by the same name (Help!).  It is a big time cheesy 60's fictional film centered around the band.  This cult group tries to steal this big ring from Ringo.   They try everything to get it.  Along the way, we have a few songs from The Beatles.  All of the songs are found in the Help! album (the first 7 tracks).  My favorites are: Help!, You're Gonna Lose that Girl, and Ticket to ride.   The movie is silly most of the time.  Nothing serious.  I don't think I would recommend this movie to anyone other than fans of The Beatles.  I'll be watching the rest of their movies soon.