Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pacific Rim (2013)

Pacific Rim IMDb
Guillermo Del Toro strikes gold again with this big monster/robot movie.  This was one of my most anticipated movies this year and I'm thrilled to have seen it tonight.  I was literally smiling like a 8 year old kid the whole time holding my girlfriend's hand.  Kick ass fight scenes.  Cool little surprises.  Movie this big and good, I rather not give anything away.  Not even a hint.  Maybe some non-spoiler stuff.  Man, those monsters were so hideous.  It made me cheer for the giant robots a lot more.  Every fight scene felt intense.  I walked out of the theater after all the credits ended thinking this is how the Transformers movies should of been like.  A prime example.  Every detail counts.  Love the science and explanations.  I'm still stunned.  Favorite movie of the year so far.  But, I don't want to hype it up too much for anyone.  I personally loved it.  I got excited about seeing this one that I did a Guillermo Del Toro movie  countdown, but, I should of done a giant monster movie marathon instead.  Oh well, at least I picked up the Criterion version of the original Godzilla.  Going to watch it tomorrow.  For now, let's hope this world is safe for at least tonight.