Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Conjuring (2013)

The Conjuring IMDb
Finally a horror movie that gave me goosebumps.  The last horror movie to do that was when I saw "House of the Devil" a few years back.  Loved the 70's feel to this movie including the shots and soundtrack.  Love the build up to all those scary moments.  The only thing I felt needed more was the final scene with the possessed family but no big deal.  The rest of the movie as a whole made it up.  I wonder what other crazy adventures our main ghost hunters are going to be up against.   Could they top this one?  I like this movie more than "Insidious" and all those Paranormal Activity movies.  I'm not a big fan of horror movies but when I do see one every once in a while, I expect it to scare the crap out of me.  And this one did that job.  Going to have the lights on tonight while I sleep and avoid being awake around 3:07am.  If you have a cellar, whatever you do, please DON'T go into the cellar if you hear any sounds coming from it.  "DON'T!"