Sunday, July 21, 2013

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home IMDb
Wow! I think this is my favorite Star Trek movie so far.  It was easy to follow for me and I love the story.  Something is interfering with Earth and the Star Trek crew must go back in time and get two whales to save the planet.  Yeah, that sounds pretty wild, right?  Except this story was done with style.  We got our crew in San Francisco somewhere in the 80's.  A lot of funny moments there.  They are so advanced that they have a hard time blending in with the environment.  Love the hospital scene where they go to get Chekov.  The dialogue was awesome.  Everyone here is likeable.  What other bullshit can I say?  Cool Star Trek movie.  Looking forward to the next one sometime next week.