Monday, December 23, 2013

Cloudy Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013)

Cloudy Chance of Meatballs 2 IMDb
I'm a big fan of the first movie. It surprised me and it was a fun ride all the way.  This one also had its charms.  Of course, not as good and fun as the first one, but still entertaining.  Love the characters.  How about that big "Hamburger Spider"?  Creepy but yet looks delicious.  Our main scientist guy is back again.  This time he is ordered by his scientist idol to go on a mission to save the island that is overrun by living food.  He takes his friends along.  Great adventures.  He is being used by his idol.  He learns that these so called evil food isn't evil at all.  Now, he must make things right. The little baby strawberry was cute.  Steve the monkey was funny as usual.  I think this is my second favorite Animation this year.  Enjoyed this with my son.