Thursday, May 30, 2013

John Dies At The End

John Dies At The End
This was freaking fun in a weird and absurd kind of a way.  Lots of crazy dialogue.  Lots of scenes that don't make sense but you're dealing with a story about two guys who take strange drugs and start hallucinating an alternate universe and dimensions and see dead people as well.  It's hard to take seriously.  With that said, this was pretty cool.  This is the kind of film I would probably like more and more each time I see it.  The ending wasn't all that.  Everything else was pretty good.  John dies at the end and that's no spoiler.  You're just going to have to take a risk.  There's a little bit of Gregg Araki in here.  Little bit of Donnie Darko.  Little bit of The FP.  If you like cheesy sci-fi/hallucination movies, give this a try.  Not awesome but not bad.  One of my favorite parts is when John says "Eric is not dead yet, so we're still here in the past somewhere" (somewhere along those lines).  He says that in front of Eric and Eric freaks out "What???"   Good times!