Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ratas, Ratones, Rateros

Ratas, Ratones, Rateros
Badass genre film from Ecuador.
It's little bit of gangster in there.
There's certain moments that make this badass.
I can't really explain it all but sometimes
there's a shot that goes on forever
and instead of cutting to the next scene,
they focus on other details within that scene.
In average movies, they cut to the chase,
right here they make the moments longer
and they seem more real (kinda of like Pulp Fiction).
I came across this movie at I Luv Video.
Didn't know anything about it.
I just looked at the cover and read the back
and said to myself that I'll check it out one day.
Favorite scene: they hide a body underneath the bed,
before doing so, one of the guys removes everything
underneath the bed including a rim.
That rim was mentioned earlier in the film when
another guy said someone took his rim.
Little details like that makes this film worth it.

Stamp of approval. Going to buy this for the collection.
It's going to be either in the Foreign section or the Gangster section.