Friday, April 22, 2011

Run Angel Run / Psychomania (a.k.a. The Death Wheelers)


Two Biker Movies Back to Back

Run Angel Run
Badass biker flick.
Love all them split screens.
Good times with this movie.
It's more of a love story than a biker story
but still a lot of fun. Love the editing.
One second you're with the couple the next
there's a guy showing a picture to someone off-screen.
"You seen this guy?"
Cheesy bar scene fight.
Awesome grindhouse kind of ending.

Glad I picked this out. Saw my first biker exploitation film
couple days ago and decided to do this month's
Friday at the Grindhouse with two biker films.
I never thought I would get hooked into this particular genre.
There's over 25 biker films listed in the Grindhouse Database.
Little by little.

Psychomania (a.k.a The Death Wheelers)
The trailer to this is a thousand times better.
Cheesy flick but nothing special.
They're kinda like zombies but not really.
A little disappointed that we don't get enough
motorcycle scenes.
I like some of the dialogue but
the good ones are on the trailer.
Kudos for being original.
Favorite scene is towards the end when the
gang trashes the grocery store.

The trailer here shows you all the good stuff.
How typical for a grindhouse trailer.