Saturday, April 9, 2011

Paranormal Activity 2 / The Switch


(Tonight, Linda couldn't decide on one movie.
She's been curious about both of these movies.
I wasn't interested in either of them, but,
it's her night to pick movies I wouldn't
normally pick. So we saw both of these.)

Paranormal Activity 2
I wasn't fan of the first one and I'm not a fan of this one.
It's the same thing, the same gimmicks,
the same feeling.
These actors aren't believable.
The characters are stupid.
I would of left the house the second I encountered
something like this. But, no, not these people.
They stayed there for days after some crazy unexplainable stuff.
I guess we need them to be stupid
or else the movie would be 10 minutes long.
Supposed to be "real footage" but they add
noises and sounds to enhance that something is about to happen.

Linda agreed with me on this disappointing flick.
She's still wanted to see it because ghosts movies
are her favorites.

The Switch
We went from a "supposed horror" to a "supposed comedy."
This wasn't funny at all.
There were funny situations.
But, I liked this movie more than the last one.
It's the typical romantic comedy with a typical ending.
At least it was a bit enjoyable.
I like the parts where he hangs out with his son.
The kid is a good actor.

Just okay!!