Sunday, August 23, 2015


Fantastic!  Now why the hell did I start these comments with that word?  This was shown at Fantastic Fest 2010.  Surprise, surprise.  My countdown continues.  Seriously, this was freaking badass.  I'm not much into anime but this one did it.  It's not your typical looking anime.  Maybe that's why.  Love the over the top dystopian world here.  I don't know why but this reminded me a little of Mad Max Fury Road and of course The Hunger Games.  Love the wackiness here.  Awesome racing story. It was never a dull moment.  So for you anime fans out there and fans of dystopian movies: this is recommended.  I would buy it. 
And with that, I conclude another Fantastic Fest 2010 movie off my list.
11 more movies to see before this year's Fantastic Fest.  32 more days!