Sunday, January 20, 2013

Silver Linings Playbook

Silver Linings Playbook IMDb
Very awesome movie we got here.  Seriously, I didn't think I was going to like it as much.  I did wanted to see this last year but didn't have the opportunity until this night.  After watching it, I could easily say this would of been a top 10 or at least an honorable mention.  Touching story.  But, great dialogue and comedic moments.  I don't usually don't connect well with dramedies but this one was one good ride.  Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence, hell, even Robert DeNiro, played characters, each with their own set of psychological problems. And boy, they delivered in that department.  I can somewhat relate to the main character.  There's usually something that triggers feelings from the past that make me do stupid things.  But, the goal is always to try to overcome these triggers and stuff.  This is definitely a feel good movie at the end.  After all the mess and all, there was something there that made me smile.  This is an Oscar contender, my heart goes all out Django Unchained, but, I wouldn't mind if Argo or this movie wins big.