Monday, January 7, 2013


Julia IMDb
Saw this late tonight after coming home from work.
I've never heard of this movie.
It was a gift from my girlfriend's parents to us.
Why this movie?
They wanted to share with us the very first movie they saw
together in the theater back in the day.
I'm not too much of a fan of these kinds of films but
as a fan of all cinema, I also don't discriminate.
The first 30 minutes were pretty interesting.
It's got some good dialogue.
After a while, I got confused with the story until
it picked up again later. I like Jane Fonda (especially in Barbarella (wink, wink)). And this movie marks Meryl Streep's very first role. She did one TV movie before this but this one is a bigger role.  This movie is not really for me but I still found it cute that my girlfriend's parents wanted to share this with us.