Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot IMDb
So I threw my son a birthday party today.
After the day was over, I glanced over my "movies I own but haven't seen shelf" I saw this one.  My girlfriend tells me it's a father and son type of movie so I decided to give it a go. It was sweet.  The actual father and son moments happen much later in the movie but it's pretty good.  I like some of the English music on here. I downloaded one of the songs while watching the movie (T. Rex's "I want to Boogie" (I think)). There was a touching scene for me.  And no it wasn't the happy emotional ending.  The scene that touched me was the father going back to work regardless of the strike just so he can afford to send his son to the big ballet competition.  This is supposed to be a comedy. But it's both Drama and Comedy put together.  For the meantime, this is now sitting in my Comedy section.