Friday, August 15, 2014


I was totally blown away with this movie.  I never seen anything as good as this.  I almost cried towards the end because I didn't want this to end.  I want more, dammit.  Okay, I'll stop with the sarcasm.  Saw this so called "bad movie" because it's Shark Week and hell, I wanted to see what the big deal was.  I don't want to trash a movie so I'll just say a few things: bad acting, bad story,  and bad cgi.  Wish the characters could've been more interesting and funny. That would've added some value to this.  Tara Reid and Ian Zeiring? Wish they died in this movie but they're the main characters and heroes that save Los Angeles from the storm of sharks.  Oops, I spoiled it.  Now you can't watch this movie.
More sarcasm: I would recommend buying this and watching it every week.  Get the steelbook! 

Had me some Land Shark Lagers to make this movie even more interesting.  Milk was a bad choice!