Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Ladies and gentlemen, there are 23 more days until Fantastic Fest.  Those of you that know me, know how important that festival is for me.  This will be my 6th year going.  Tonight,  I decided to watch this Korean Crime Drama that was shown in my first year of Fantastic Fest (2009).  It's pretty much a downer.  Not a feel good movie.  It reminded me of a few other Korean dramas where everything is shit and makes you feel like it too.  Korean films like Pieta, The Fake, and Bad Guy are some examples.   There's a lot of brutal violence in this one, especially towards women.  I felt like reporting myself for domestic violence just for watching it, and I live by myself.  I like how our main character isn't likeable in the first half but he becomes a semi-sympathetic character towards the end.  It's about this debt collector for a gangster that goes around beating up people and collecting money. He meets this high school girl and they bond (in a non-sexual way).  He then slowly gets tired of the same old crap and starts changing.  
Overall,  I was into it as a hard drama but definitely not a movie I would want to buy or see again.  I would only recommend it to those who love their Asian cinema and are in the mood for some drama (duh!).