Monday, August 18, 2014

Bad Words

Shit! Fuck! Son of a gun!  This movie was pretty cool.  This is a movie that turns into a semi-revenge story with a twist at the end.  It's a little sweet at times but most times is pretty vulgar.  Directed by and starring Jason Bateman.  I enjoyed it, especially the first 30 minutes.   The rest was okay.  Some of the best moments were the moments with Jason Bateman's character and the little Indian kid.  This probably would've been a lot funnier if I was drinking with it, but I still didn't mind it. A lot of crazy dialogue, but with a movie with this title, you can't expect anything different.   Might make a good double feature with Billy Madison, even though this one is a little more serious. 
Worth it as a rental if you're in the mood for a vulgar comedy.