Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Captain Phillips

"Hey, look at me.  I'm the captain now."  Famous dialogue to this tense suspense drama with Forrest Gump himself.  Based on a true story.  This is the story of a cargo ship captain who gets hijacked by Somalian pirates and then taken captive.  I like that the story kind of shows you both sides.  I can't help but feel sorry for the Somalian pirates, especially our main pirate guy.  These are poor people being kind of forced to do these heists to provide for their families.  They are being forced by even bigger guys.  They don't focus on these bigger guys that deserve to be in hell.  They always send the poor and weak to do the dirty work.  These poor fools mess with the wrong ship: an American ship.  This movie shows you how powerful the American military are.  The last 45 minutes is all about military strategy and how much they do just to save one American.  Love the first half when the pirates aboard the ship.  Good intense scenes.
Decent adventure thriller worth watching at least once.  Entertaining.  Not super thrilled about the climax but hey, this is based on a true story, so it is what it is.