Tuesday, June 11, 2013

New Release Tuesday: Oz The Great And Powerful (2013)

Oz the Great and Powerful IMDb
Whimsical movie, man!  I love the first 20 minutes in black and white.  Then we follow Oz to the land of Oz.  This has the same concept like the Wizard of Oz in the sense of some characters in reality are brought back in similar characters in this land of Oz.  The colors are and graphics are awesome.  Sam Raimi delivers us a decent fantasy tale.  Was I blown away? Not really, but it had some cool moments.  Overall, I thought this was okay.   This was aimed more for kids (duh! It's Disney), although some moments are good enough for adults.  So, the little kid in me enjoyed some of the moments like the twists and turns and different characters from Oz interacting.  James Franco was awesome as Oz.  Simple story about getting rid of evil and bringing peace to the land of Oz.  Hey, that sounds like the last movie I saw (Yellow Submarine).  Going on vacation for the rest of this week with the family so I might not watch any movies.  Man of Steel and maybe This is the End would have to wait until next week.