Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sleepless Night

Sleepless Night IMDb
Nice Crime Cop Thriller from France. First heard about this one at Fantastic Fest one year.  Saw it at Vulcan the other day so I had to see it.  The first half was suspenseful.  A dirty cop tries to save his son.  The plot thickens right in the first half.  It gets a little dumb in the middle but then picks up really good towards the end.  I like that most of this takes place inside a club (owned by the main mob guy).  The dance floor sequence to Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" had me going.  Could of been the caffeine rush from the French Roast coffee I had with this (along with a French butter croissant).  There was an amazing shot that I need to give a shout out here.  It's the shot from the ceiling and it pans from the women's bathroom to the men's. We follow the camera down to our main guy.  Excellent.  Good dirty cop movie.  There were a few plot holes but for a genre movie, I forgive them.  I may have to own this if I see it on sale one day.