Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Release Tuesday: Eaters

Eaters IMDb
Sometimes I have no choice but to see crap on some New Release Tuesdays.  Tonight was one of them.  Since I've seen Wreck-It Ralph already and I don't care anything about Twilight or Red Dawn, decided to take a chance on this Italian zombie movie.  For a low budget flick, not bad.  The shots were awesome.  Some effects and make up were decent.  The story here sucked.  This takes place way after a zombie apocalypse.  We see only a few zombies out there in the world but the world itself is already messed up.  There's only a few survivors.  The problem I had with the story besides the acting was the main thing behind these zombies was a girl who couldn't have babies.  It was a bit boring.  I mean, some of the concept was pretty cool.  I like that zombies each other in here.  That's about it.  It was worth a shot to see if I discovered a great zombie movie but not in this one.  Avoid it.  Now I'm going to see Fulci's Zombie to make up for this movie.

This movie was served with a homemade pizza and a Birra Moretti.