Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beyond The Law

Lee Van Cleef is cool as always. 
I enjoyed this movie this morning. 
At first, I thought it was going to be just typical
and bland but after the first 30 minutes, it got my attention. 
The audio is not that bad in this one. 
There's a few scenes that has the original Italian audio
and the rest is the English dub. 
Easy to follow story. 
The only thing was that I wish this had more of the great slow stand-offs. 
It was mostly lots of shooting by lots of people to other people. 
Not that many one and one's until the end. 
There's some ruthless scenes here. 
It's not everyday you see a spaghetti western where the bad guys kill women. 
I've seen some but not very common.  Great movie.