Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sudor Frio (Cold Sweat)

(SXFantastic Sidebar)

SXSW Screening #4:

Sudor Frio (Cold Sweat)
Modern grindhouse from Argentina.
There's a lot of plot holes here including why
the main character didn't panic and went to look for help
when he first saw these people through the glass.
And why are all these other women downstairs
behaving like zombies?
It felt like it was made to be exploitational.
We have one of the girls covered in this explosive liquid stuff,
and the guy makes her undress.
I like some of the quirky moments.
The old man walking with his walker trying to attack our
main girl.
I like that one kid always wearing that mask for no reason.
Little gorey.
People explode.
But, weak script.

Overall, could of been a lot better.
I wanted to watch this because you never know
if this was something special or not.
Would of been a great discovery.
Kudos for that grindhouse feeling.