Monday, March 28, 2011

The Quiet Family

The Quiet Family
This is Jee-Woon Kim's (I Saw The Devil) first film.
Very badass dark comedy.
While watching it, the story sounded familiar.
Then I figured it out.
I saw a Japanese remake out of this that Takashi Miike did called,
The Happiness of the Katakuris (also very good).
I had no idea I was watching the original today.
We got some familiar Korean faces here.
Love these characters and this story.
You could tell every shot was carefully thought out.
The 60's rock music was cool too.
It's a little different for this film, but, cool.
My favorite part: The family discovers the dead couple
and when they're about to bury them, the dead guy opens his eyes,
so he's not dead. The family freaks out and they kill him for real this time.
Next thing you know, the Coen Brothers will be remaking this.
If they ever do, this is up their alley. Another Jee-Woon Kim hit for me.
I'm definitely collecting all his films.

Since I've seen all of Jee-Woon Kim's feature length films,
I would like to list my favorites in order.
1. I Saw The Devil
2. The Good, The Bad, The Weird
3. A Bittersweet Life
4. The Quiet Family
5. A Tale of Two Sisters
6. The Foul King
He's also done a few shorts that I haven't seen.