Sunday, April 12, 2015

Kundo: Age of the Rampant

Fuck yeah!  This is the kind of shit I'm talking about.  I see 4 to 5 different movies a week.  Sometimes I see crap, sometimes I see "just okay" movies, and when I see a movie that makes me cheer throughout like a little fucking kid, well that's just special.  This is a badass Korean flick.  It has a semi-revenge plot. Leave it to the Koreans to do fucking great revenge flicks.  This is more than the revenge plot though.  It has the Robin Hood type story and it has the people versus the government type story.  It's got a Western feel to it as well.  Hell, the main theme song here happens to be the same theme song for a famous Spaghetti western called "Day of Anger"  (which I need to see soon).    That song also comes out in Django Unchained, which is directed by my favorite fucking director, fucking Tarantino.  Too many fucking cuss words here.  Well, here's to fucking!  This movie made me cheer, especially in the first half.  The second half pissed me off a little.  The main villain is what pissed me off.  I just wanted to kill that fucker myself but we had to wait until the end.  It was pissing me off because of all the shit he was getting away with.  It was a little too overkill, in my opinion.  Other than that, and the baby he was carrying in the last battle, the rest of the movie was fucking awesome to the max.  I'm hyping up this sucker.
Worth checking out.  Scratch that, worth buying (if you're a collector, of course).  Korean cinema at its best.  I should know, it's my specialty.  I wonder why this wasn't shown at Fantastic Fest last year. 

I didn't eat this with the movie but having this very spicy Bulgogi Burger earlier in the day, made me want to watch a Korean movie later in the night.  And the rest is history.