Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Skyfall IMDb
Went to the cheap theatre in Round Rock to watch the latest Bond movie in the big screen.  It was entertaining. Beautiful shots.  Good action. Javier Bardem is an awesome villain here.  I think comparing to the last two Bond movies, the villain here is more defined.  I just didn't like his intentions in the second half.  All of a sudden he's after "M" because of some beef from a long time ago.  Another thing I didn't like was that there was at least two big opportunities for the bad guys to kill Bond.  Of course you can't kill Bond.  He's the movie.  So make the bad guys very stupid in those moments but way smarter in other moments.  They shouldn't put Bond in those moments in the first place.
Just suspend your beliefs again and go with it.  Kudos on the shots and music.  Kudos on the escape scene.  This was pretty good but not as good as Casino Royale.