Saturday, February 16, 2013

Cult Classic Friday: This Is Spinal Tap

This Is Spinal Tap IMDb
Man, wouldn't it be cool to be a drummer for Spinal Tap?  It would be my pleasure.  I really enjoyed this mockumentary. I had no idea Rob Reiner directed it (and of course that he's the director making the "documentary").  There was a lot of good moments like the pod malfunction on stage and the scene where they get lost backstage trying the find the actual stage.  Those moments were hilarious.  The idea of having an album cover all black was also good. Kudos! Everything sounded so natural I think they improvised a lot. I mean, they had to.  Now, I gotta get me a Spinal Tap T-Shirt and sell my soul.  Shame on me for not having seen this movie before.  Thanks to Cult Classic Friday for giving me the excuse to see it, and to my friends Ramon Sanchez and Mike Canales for always talking about this movie.