Wednesday, June 13, 2012

South American Cinema Night: The Wind Journeys


Every 2nd Wednesday of every month
I'll be checking out a movie from any country in South America.
My goal is to see one movie from each country.
This excludes any films I see at film festivals.

Tonight's movie is from Colombia.

The Wind Journeys
Good solid drama we got here.
I love road movies.
They make me feel like I'm traveling and getting
to know places myself.
This was slow most times but
still okay.
One thing for sure, I've never seen
a duel with accordions before until tonight.
Didn't even know they 're popular in
South America.
So I liked that there was some crazy accordion music
going on in between the slow moments.

I like this movie for what it is. It was a bit too long but
different. Next South American Cinema Night, we are going
to Bolivia.