Monday, February 21, 2011

The Substitute

The Substitute
Clever and spooky alien film from Denmark.
I guess you can call it, the Danish Faculty movie.
This was a big hit at Fantastic Fest a few years ago.
I can see why. Good freaking moments like
this alien teacher eating a live chicken and
another scene where she shrinks this man
and then eats him.
And what about the moment where all the children
are on the bus with their mouths open
because she stopped the bus with some kind of alien power?
Good stuff.
The ending was a little choppy
but overall, decent to have for the Alien section.
Speaking of alien movies,
this is the year of for Aliens.
There's at least six I want to see:
Battle: Los Angeles (March)
Paul (March)
Cowboys and Aliens (July)
Super 8 (sometime this summer I guess)
Extraterrestre (Fantastic Fest 2011)
The Thing Prequel (October)

Fantastic time!!