Friday, February 18, 2011

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer

Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer
Well, it got awesome the last 25 minutes of the film.
The first hour kinda sucked a little.
When I'm going to see a movie with a title like this,
I expect to see some crazy stuff.
I was waiting for the monster parts, I was waiting for the gore.
I had to wait patiently for the bloody climax.
It was alright, though.
Never heard about this movie until I researched Fantastic Fest
movies from the past.
I came across this one and another movie I'm going to watch
next week called, The Substitute.
Supposed to be some crazy stuff too.
But, need to lower my expectations, I guess.
I like that this felt like an 80's movie.
We got Robert Englund in here for god sakes.
It started out good with the Bobby Darin song,
"Beyond the Sea" while the monster was killing
Jack's family.
The plot was a little too easy.

I wish this could of been more fun for me.
I wonder why it got honorable mention at Fantastic Fest
a few years ago? Then again, seeing this at a theater
with a whole bunch of badass cinema fans, would
have probably make the experience better.
Speaking of Fantastic Fest, the countdown is
7 months and four days for Fantastic Fest 2011.