Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hellboy 2

"Catching Up With A Director" Segment
[Each month of this year I will pick a director and see
five movies that I've never seen before
from that director.
I will watch them throughout the month.]

This month's director is Guillermo Del Toro.
Last week, I started with Hellboy.
It's only right to follow it up with the sequel.
Just a reminder, the only other films I've seen before
from Del Toro are Pan's Labyrinth and Devil's Backbone.
So here's what I think about Hellboy 2.

Hellboy 2
It is very rare to see a sequel that's better than the original.
That's the case here.
I freaking enjoyed this movie a lot.
Scratch that. I fucking enjoyed a lot.
While Hellboy part one was okay and nothing special,
part two had a lot more going on.
The story was a little better.
There was a lot more creatures in this one.
Typical Del Toro stuff.
The first one had more regular people and their
actions with a little bit of the creatures.
This one, however, was all about different creatures.
We hardly saw regular people.
That's the way it should be for this kind of story.
It's all fantasy.
The direction and the acting was more enjoyable.
This is Guillermo Del Toro at his best.
Probably not the best Del Toro flick, but it's up there.

This movie just made the first one better.