Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs

Animation Night
[Every 3rd Wednesday of each month this year,
I will watch an Animation that I never seen before.
It's a genre that I hardly see, so this would allow
me to watch 12 Animations total this year.
Can't wait.]

Welcome to the first Animation Night.
Tonight's movie is:

Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Very cool animation.
Love this original story.
I thought the first thirty minutes were the best.
Love the cats performing "Fight the Power."
A lot of themes are covered here.
The obvious one was the father and son relationship.
I kind of didn't like the father's character in the movie
but it turned out okay at the end.
I liked this movie as much as I liked "Up."
They make a perfect double feature.
This one is more into the comedy side.
What other animations have hamburgers falling from
the sky and rat-birds flying in a town that is famous
for their sardines? Good times.

This went well with a big ass bowl of spaghetti.
All I needed was giant meatballs and oregano to make
it a perfect dish. Next time.