Saturday, January 9, 2010


Linda's Chick Flick Night
[Every 2nd Saturday of this year, my wife Linda will pick
a movie we haven't seen.
It may be a traditional chick flick or anything else that
I normally wouldn't choose (it wouldn't be fair
for her to choose a zombie movie just for me).]

To kick off Linda's Chick Flick Night, Linda chose to
watch this movie.
My response: This is a good Clint Eastwood movie.
How come I didn't pick this movie earlier?
Well, I'm not a big fan of Angelina Jolie.
I think she's overrated. But she does good here.
There's a couple of scenes where she exaggerates,
but not a lot as I expected.
The story and the performances here were excellent.
But, there was a plot hole that I didn't like.
This other police department had a photograph
of Christine's son, why didn't anyone bother to
compare the photograph to her "fake" son?
Other than that big plot hole, I think this was very good.

The time didn't seem that long and I enjoyed this
movie more than Gran Torino.