Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Hand

The Hand
This is Oliver Stone's second feature film.
I heard of it a long time ago, but I never got
the chance to see it. I heard it wasn't a good movie.
When I saw the dvd at Hastings at a very low price,
I knew this was my opportunity to finally see it.
I went in with very low expectations.
In the end, I thought it was alright.
It's underrated.
This is not Stone's best work or anything.
I couldn't tell if this was his film.
But when certain scenes turned black and white,
I knew it was his work.
He even has a cameo.
As far as the story goes, it's kinda cool and cheesy.
A hand that kills people. I like that.
Could of been better if Stone would of turned this into
more of a grindhouse movie.
Love it when Michael Caine's character loses his hand
towards the beginning.

The only reason worth seeing and buying is for the
Oliver Stone collection.