Sunday, January 24, 2010


Catching Up With A Director Segment
[Each month of this year I will pick a director and see
five movies that I've never seen before
from that director.
I will watch them throughout the month.]

This month's director is Guillermo Del Toro.
I saw the Hellboy movies already this month.
The only other films I've seen before
from Del Toro are Pan's Labyrinth and Devil's Backbone.
The 3rd Guillermo Del Toro film this month
is going to be his first feature film, Cronos.

Amazing for Del Toro's first feature film.
It's got an original vampire story.
Nice and easy flow.
My favorite scene was the mortuary scene
with the ranchero music.
This is a good genre movie.
It's got dark comedy, a love story,
and horror all roll into one.
The only complaint was the mixing of the languages.
This is mostly a spanish film, but there's some scenes
where the characters speak both english and spanish.
They understood spanish perfectly, yet,
they still spoke in english.
It's a very minor complaint,
but, this story makes up for it.

I enjoyed it. Glad to see it, I'm becoming a respectable
fan of Guillermo Del Toro's work.