Friday, February 27, 2015

A Coffee in Berlin

I did something crazy this Friday night.  I had two cups of strong coffee around 11:30pm and decided to watch this German movie.  Wired to the max.  The movie was okay.  I like the premise but felt flat in the third act.  I like that our main character has bad luck trying to get coffee throughout the movie.  Either they sold out on coffee, vending machine is broken, or some places just don't serve it.  The story is one of those artsy stories where we just follow this one guy who has no job or anything to his name but slowly he "grows up."  I would have wanted more lively scenes.  I seriously shouldn't have had all that coffee.  My heart was racing over this slow developing movie. 
I wouldn't recommend this.  There are other better "growing up" or coming of age movies out there. 
At your own risk.