Friday, October 4, 2013

Gravity 3D (2013)

Gravity IMDb
Best 3D movie I've ever seen. This is how it should be.  The movie was intense majority of the time.  It was short and sweet.  This is Sandra Bullock's show practically.  It's all about her and letting go of her emotions and moving on.  That's really what the movie is about.  Set the situation in space and you got yourself an awesome ride.  It made me want to join N.A.S.A after this.  Yeah, right!  While majority of it can be predictable, there were a few surprising scenes.  Once again, kudos for the 3D effects.  It made me move my head away thinking objects were actually being thrown at me for real.  Highly recommend this movie in the theatre and in 3D.  I doubt anyone can get the same experience at home.  Definitely a good entertaining ride.  Not my favorite movie of the year but it may be in my top 10.  We'll see.